Poland Spring - Mansion House
Poland Spring Winter Series (toboggans) |
Obverse: At Top of Toboggon Slide, Poland Spring, Maine |
Reverse: VISIT POLAND SPRING / America's Favorite Snow Resort / See Nature with its immaculate cloak / of white; enjoy the exhilarating, crisp / dry air; revel in the sunshine, and enjoy / ALL KINDS OF WINTER SPORTS / at and surrounding the cozy, homelike / MANSION HOUSE, steam-heated / throughout, electric lights, bath-room suites, / unexcelled cuisine, good cheer everywhere, and / gayest in Winter. Only 4 1/2 hours from / Boston, including a five-mile sleigh-ride. / FUR COATS provided for all for the ride / from the Station and for sleighing. "Week / ends" are always enjoyable. / HIRAM RICKER & SONS / Mansion House South Poland, Maine |
Type: PhotoChrom Lithograph - White Border
"PHOSTINT" Card - Made only by Detroit Publishing Co.

Inventory #: M-25b-004
Est. Date: 1915 - 1930
Postmark: Boston, MA 1910